Steve jobs Stanford commencement speech 2005: exercice

Watch the two videos and answer the following questions:


1st story:  Connecting the dots

1.    Why did his mother want to put him up for adoption?

2.    Does Steve have a university degree?/Why did he drop  out of Reed College?

3.    How did he feel when he dropped out from college?

4.    What did he do?

5.    What was useful to him when he designed the first Macintosh computer?

6.    What would have happened if he had never dropped out? 

2nd story: Love and loss
1.    How did Apple change in 10 years?

2.    What unexpected event happened when he had just created the Macintosh?

3.    How did he feel?

4.    Why didn’t he give up and run away? 

5.    What did he do during the next five years?

6.    What is Pixar famous for? 

7.    How did he go back to Apple? 

8.    What advice does he give? 

3rd story: Death
1.    What advice does he give this time? 

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